ROLLS 6601 to 6604

There is a pattern of roll numbering found in other Wurlitzer roll series suggesting that the company sometimes began issuance of rolls for general sale with the fifth number of the series (in this case with roll 6605). Perhaps the first four rolls would be "give aways" included in the purchase price of each new organ. In any event, it is not certain whether rolls 6601 to 6604 were issued; they have not been found advertised in any monthly roll list for the period.


(No known copies, however tunes 8 & 10 survive on roll 6620. From Wurlitzer monthly roll list for Dec. 1921)

1. All By Myself

(Irving Berlin)

(Apr 27, 1921)

Fox Trot

2. Waltz of Love

(Milo Rega)

(Mar 10, 1921)


3. Who'll Be The Next One To Cry Over You

(Johnny S. Black)

(May 11,1921)

Fox Trot

4. In My Tippy Canoe

(Fred Fisher)

(Apr 13, 1921)


5. Dapper Dan

(Albert Von Tilzer)

(Aug 1, 1921)

Fox Trot

6. Mississippi Cradle

(Abe Olman)

(Jul 25, 1921)


7. I Want You Morning, Noon And Night
(From "Song Revue of 1921")

(Gus Edwards)

(Feb 14, 1921)

Fox Trot

8. Hawaiian Moon

(King Hall)

(Jul 25, 1921)


9. Say It With Music
(From the 1921 Broadway revue "Music Box Revue")

(Irving Berlin)

(Mar 21, 1921)

Fox Trot

10. Hawaiian Chimes

(Eva Applefield)

(May 14, 1921)



(Listed in Wurlitzer monthly roll list for March 1922)

1. The Sheik Of Araby
(From the stage musical "Make It Snappy")

(Ted Snyder)

(Nov 17, 1921)

Fox Trot

2. When Shall We Meet Again

(Richard A. Whiting)

(Nov 23, 1921)


3. Tuck Me To Sleep In My Old Kentucky Home

(George W. Meyer)

(Aug 6, 1921)

Fox Trot

4. Granny (My Mammy's Mammy)

(Harry Akst)

(Nov 15, 1921)

Fox Trot

5. Ka-Lu-A (Play tune in MP3)
(From the stage musical "Good Morning Dearie")

(Jerome Kern)

(Oct 22, 1921)

Fox Trot

6. Wimmin (I Gotta Have 'Em That's All)
(From the "Midnight Rounders")

(Cantor & Fisher)

(Oct 10, 1921)

Fox Trot

7. That's How I Believe In You
(Incorrectly shown on Play-Rite recuts as a One Step titled "That's How I Believed In You")

(Bert Rule)

(May 4, 1921)


8. Wabash Blues

(Fred Meinken)

(Sep 26, 1921)

Fox Trot

9. My Carolina Rose

(Wendell W. Hall)

(Feb 17, 1921)


10. Leave Me With A Smile

(Koehler & Burtnett)

(Oct 4, 1921)

Fox Trot

NOTE: Lost tune 1, newly arranged by Rich Olsen, exists on recuts in the Seabreeze Park, Drew, and Thomas collections. Matthew Caulfield made copies of the tune available for splicing onto other recuts. An early recut has been seen which uses "Ja-Da, Ja-Da, Ja-Da (Jing-Jing-Jing)" from roll 6554 as a substitute for the missing tune 1.

(Recut by Play-Rite)


(Listed in Wurlitzer monthly roll list for April 1922)

1. Mounted Police

(Harry J. Lincoln)

(Jan 29, 1921)


2. Beautiful California

(Charles Edward Storer)



3. Soldiers Of Fortune

(Louise V. Gustin)

(Jun 19, 1901)


4. Call Me Back, Pal O' Mine

(Harold Dixon)

(Jan 5, 1921)


5. Washington Grays March

(C. S. Grafulla)

(Dec 26, 1905)


6. Susquehanna Shore

(Harry D. Squires)

(Jun 27, 1921)


7. The Twelfth Regiment

(Harry J. Lincoln)

(Mar 30, 1908)


8. Heart's Devotion (Op. 352)

(F. H. Losey)

(Sep 23, 1914)


9. Lincoln Highway

(Harry J. Lincoln)

(Oct 29, 1921)


10. Dream Visions

(F. H. Losey)

(Aug 23, 1909)


(Original roll in the McDonough collection)

(Recut by Play-Rite with, as substitutions for the missing tunes 1 and 2, "The U.S.
Field Artillery March" and "Maytime Waltzes," both from roll 6511-B)
Tunes 1 and 2, missing on original rolls, were newly arranged by Bob Stuhmer,
and seven copies were made by Mike Grant in 2007 to be added to recuts.


(No known copies, however tune 2 survives on roll 6620. From Wurlitzer monthly roll list for May 1922)

1. April Showers
(From the stage musical "Bombo")

(Louis Silvers)

(Oct 10, 1921)

Fox Trot

2. Swanee River Moon

(H. Pitman Clarke)

(Apr 4, 1921)


3. On The Gin, Gin Ginny Shore

(Walter Donaldson)

(Jan 13, 1922)

Fox Trot

4. Melon Time In Dixieland

(Dave Ringle)

(Jun 9, 1921)

One Step

5. When Bhudda Smiles

(Brown & King Zany)

(Sep 14, 1921)

Fox Trot

6. Rio Nights

(Fisher Thompson)

(Dec 30, 1920)


7. Blue Danube Blues
(From the 1921 Broadway musical "Good Morning Dearie")

(Jerome Kern)

(Sep 30, 1921)

Fox Trot

8. Another Waltz

(Geo. P. Hulten)

(Aug 26, 1921)


9. The Great Desire

(Forest M. Schumaker; arr. H. J. Lincoln)

(Mar 25, 1922)


10. Smilin'

(Rose, Wolohan & Krausgrill)

(Sep 28, 1921)

Fox Trot


(Listed in Wurlitzer monthly roll list for June 1922)

1. Pick Me Up And Lay Me Down In Dear Old Dixieland (Play tune in MP3)

(Kalmar & Ruby)

(Feb 11, 1922)

Fox Trot

2. Moon River

(Lee David)

(Jul 1, 1921)


3. Virginia Blues

(Fred Meinken)

(Feb 2, 1922)

Fox Trot

4. She's Mine, All Mine

(Kalmar & Ruby)

(Dec 30, 1921)


5. California

(Friend & Conrad)

(Mar 28, 1922)

Fox Trot

6. They Call It Dancing
(From the 1921 Broadway revue "Music Box Revue")

(Irving Berlin)

(Oct 6,1921)

One Step

7. Three O'Clock In The Morning

(Julian Robledo)

(Jun 2, 1921)


8. I'm Gonna Buy A One-Way Ticket To A Little One Horse Town

(Young & Squires)

(Mar 18, 1922)

Fox Trot

9. While Miami Dreams

(Richard A. Whiting)

(Jan 26, 1922)

Fox Trot

10. Cho Cho San

(Giacomo Puccini; arr.: Hugo Frey)

(May 25, 1921)

Fox Trot

(Tune 1 and the second half of tune 10 are re-creations by Tom Meijer of the lost originals)

(Tune 7 is a different arrangement than on roll 6620)

(Original roll formerly in the Carrousel Music collection and now in the Neilson collection)

(Recut by Mike Grant)


(Listed in Wurlitzer monthly roll list for July 1922)

1. My Yiddisha Mammy
(From the stage musical "Make It Snappy")

(Gerber, Schwartz & Cantor)

(Mar 30, 1922)

Fox Trot

2. Stumbling

(Zez Confrey)

(Apr 3, 1922)

Fox Trot

3. From Sea To Sea (Missing on pre-1993 recuts)

(Leon P. Thomas)

(Jun 3, 1922)


4. Along Hawaiian Shores

(Anna Brock)


5. I Love Her - She Loves Me
(From the stage musical "Make It Snappy")

(Irving Caesar)

(May 2, 1922)

Fox Trot

6. Teasin'

(Carleton, Walsh & Biese)

(Jan 3, 1922)

Fox Trot

7. Georgia (A Song Of A Sunny Southern State)

(Walter Donaldson)

(Feb 21, 1922)

Fox Trot

8. Montana

(Byrd & Weeks)

(Dec 21, 1921)


9. By The Sapphire Sea

(Ted Snyder)

(Mar 8, 1922)

Fox Trot

10. Kadosh Commandery (Missing on pre-1993 recuts)

(Leon P. Thomas)

(Jun 3, 1922)


(Original roll formerly in the Lanick collection)

(Recut by Play-Rite)


(Listed in Wurlitzer monthly roll list for September 1922)

1. Just Because You're You - That's Why I Love You

(Turk & Robinson)

(Apr 18, 1922)

Fox Trot

2. Wake Up Little Girl, You're Just Dreaming

(Herscher & Burke)

(Feb 2, 1922)


3. Can He Love Me Like Kelly Can

(Pete Wendling)

(May 10, 1922)

Fox Trot

4. I Got It, You'll Get It Just The Same As Me

(Brown & Pollack)

(Jan 28, 1922)

One Step

5. Ki-Ki-Koo

(George W. Meyer)

(Mar 24, 1922)

Fox Trot

6. Down On Avenue A


(Apr 21, 1922)


7. Sweet Indiana Home

(Walter Donaldson)

(Jun 9, 1922)

Fox Trot

8. Hawaiian Nightingale

(Vaughn De Leath)

(Mar 25, 1922)


9. Nobody Lied (When They Said That I Cried Over You)

(Edwin J. Weber)

(May 10, 1922)

Fox Trot

10. Yankee Tars

(John Boulton)

(May 12, 1919)


(Recut by Play-Rite)


(Listed in Wurlitzer monthly roll list for October 1922)

1. Martha (Just A Plain Old Fashioned Name)

(Joe L. Saunders)

(May 5, 1922)

Two Step

2. Mellow Moon

(Wendell W. Hall)

(Apr 5, 1922)


3. Who Tied The Can On The Old Dog's Tail?

(M. J. Fitzpatrick)

(May 25, 1921)

Two Step

4. Thru' The Night

(Frederic Knight Logan)

(Jul 24, 1922)


5. Say it While Dancing

(Abner Silver)

(Apr 13, 1922)

Two Step

6. My Machree's Lullaby

(Mullane & Schuster)

(Apr 15, 1922)


7. Georgette (Play tune in MP3)
(From the stage revue "Greenwich Village Follies")

(Ray Henderson)

(May 8, 1922)

Two Step

8. The Sunset Trail Of Gold

(James G. MacDermid)

(Jul 7, 1922)


9. Don't Bring Me Posies (It's Shoesies That I Need)

(Fred Rose)

(Nov 12, 1921)

Two Step

10. My Old Hawaiian Home

(F. W. Vandersloot)

(Jul 15, 1922)


(Recut by Play-Rite)


(Listed in Wurlitzer monthly roll list for December 1922)

1. Tomorrow (Will Be Brighter Than Today)

(Owens & Halstead)

(Sep 21, 1922)

Two Step

2. I Certainly Must Be In Love

(Dan Dougherty)

(May 10, 1922)


3. Serenade Blues

(Sissle & Blake)

(May 6, 1922)

Two Step

4. For The Sake Of Auld Lang Syne

(Ernest R. Ball)

(Jul 20, 1922)


5. Ji-Ji-Boo

(White, White & Meyer)

(Aug 2, 1922)

Two Step

6. Down Old Virginia Way

(Gillette & Olman)

(Aug 18, 1922)


7. Struttin' At The Strutters' Ball

(Spencer Williams)

(Jun 29, 1922)

Two Step

8. My Buddy

(Walter Donaldson)

(Sep 6, 1922)


9. I'm Happy

(Hirsch, Arden & Green)

(Sep 30, 1922)

Two Step

10. Out Of The Shadows

(Walter Blaufuss)

(Dec 21, 1921)


(Recut by Play-Rite)


(Listed in Wurlitzer monthly roll list for January 1923)

1. Soul Of The Nation

(George Hahn)


2. Butterfly Waltzes

(Henriette B. Blanke-Melson)

(Sep 6, 1922)


3. Fighting Strength

(Thomas S. Allen)



4. Juno Waltz

(Abbie A. Ford)

(May 3, 1911)


5. The Indomitable

(James M. Fulton)

(Feb 1, 1909)


6. Miami Moon (Miami d'Amour)

(Eugene E. Maynard)

(Apr 8, 1921)


7. The Starry Jack

(Richard E. Hildreth)


8. While The Years Roll By

(Jack Austin)

(Jun 29,1922)


9. Cradle Of Liberty

(Alfred E. Joy)

(Aug 13, 1915)


10. The Silvery Brook

(Edmund Braham)

(Aug 13, 1907)


NOTE: Label mistakenly identifies composer of tune 1 as Thomas S. Allen.

(Original roll lost. Newly arranged by Mikey Mills and issued by Play-Rite, 2015)


(Listed in Wurlitzer monthly roll list for April 1923)

1. Carolina In The Morning
(From the "Passing Show Of 1922")
(Missing on pre-1997 recuts; earlier recuts have, as a substitution, "Don't Bring Lulu" from roll 6630)

(Walter Donaldson)

(Oct 2, 1922)

Fox Trot

2. Homesick

(Irving Berlin)

(Aug 25, 1922)

Fox Trot

3. Lovin' Sam (The Sheik of Alabam')
(From the stage musical "Make It Snappy")
(Introduced in the stage revue "The Bunch And Judy")

(Milton Ager)

(Sep 6, 1922)

Fox Trot

4. Chicago (That Toddling Town)

(Fred Fisher)

(Aug 15, 1922)

Fox Trot

5. Toot, Toot, Tootsie! Goo' Bye
(From the stage musical "Bombo")

(Keyes, Erdman & Russo)

(Aug 19, 1922)

Fox Trot

6. Mister Gallagher And Mister Shean
(From the 1922 edition of "Ziegfeld Follies")

(Gallagher & Shean)

(Jan 4, 1922)

Fox Trot

7. I'll Be In My Dixie Home Again Tomorrow

(Turk & Robinson)

(Sep 9,1922)

Fox Trot

8. You Tell Her - I Stutter

(Cliff Friend)

(Nov 8, 1922)

Fox Trot

9. When The Leaves Come Tumbling Down

(Richard Howard)

(Jan 25, 1922)

Fox Trot

10. Parade Of The Wooden Soldiers
(From the stage revue "La Chauve-Souris")

(Leon Jessel)

(May 18, 1922)

Fox Trot

(Recut by Play-Rite)


(Listed in Wurlitzer monthly roll list for June 1923)

1. Fate (It Was Fate When I First Met You)
(From the stage revue "Greenwich Village Follies")

(Byron Gay)

(Oct 13, 1922)

Fox Trot

2. Ivy (Cling To Me) (Play tune in MP3)

(Johnson & Jones)

(Nov 29, 1922)

Fox Trot

3. Red Moon (Play tune in MP3)

(Henri De Martini)

(Feb 10, 1922)


4. Lost (A Wonderful Girl)

(James F. Hanley)

(Oct 14, 1922)

Fox Trot

5. Who Cares
(Introduced in the stage revue "Bombo")

(Milton Ager)

(Sep 6, 1922)

Fox Trot

6. Mother In Ireland

(Griffin, Lyman & Kahn)

(Nov 29, 1922)


7. One Night In June

(Snyder, Lange &Klapholz)

(Nov 27, 1922)

Fox Trot

8. Down In Maryland

(Kalmar & Ruby)

(Dec 15, 1922)

Fox Trot

9. Rocky Mountain Moon

(Marshall & Whiting)

(Jan 15, 1923)


10. Falling

(Collins, Cameron & Fields)

(Nov 10, 1922)

Fox Trot

(Recut by Play-Rite and by Mike Grant)


(Estimated issue date: Mid-1923)

1. Swingin' Down The Lane
("An old fashioned song with a fox trot swing")

(Isham Jones)

(Mar 16, 1923)

Fox Trot

2. March Of The Mannikins (Play tune in MP3)
(Missing on pre-1993 recuts; earlier recuts have, as a substitution, "Stumbling" from roll 6610)

(adap: D. Onivas) *

(Mar 22, 1923)

Fox Trot

3. Dreamy Melody

(Koehler, Magine & Naset)

(Dec 8, 1922)


4. Yes! We Have No Bananas (Play tune in MP3)
(Popularized in the stage revue "Make It Snappy")

(Silver & Cohn)

(Mar 23, 1923)

Fox Trot

5. Beside A Babbling Brook

(Walter Donaldson)

(Apr 9, 1923)

Fox Trot

6. Good Night (Play tune in MP3)

(Wood, Bibo & Conrad)

(Mar 2, 1923)


7. Aggravatin' Papa (Don't You Try To Two-Time Me)

(Turk & Robinson)

(Dec 14, 1922)

Fox Trot

8. You've Got To See Mamma Ev'ry Night (Or You Can't See Mamma At All)

(Rose & Conrad)

(Jan 16, 1923)

Fox Trot

9. You Know You Belong To Somebody Else (So Why Don't You Leave Me Alone)

(James V. Monaco)

(Jul 6, 1922)


10. Barney Google

(Rose & Conrad)

(Mar 29, 1923)

Fox Trot

* Pseudonym of Domenico Savino.

(Original roll formerly in the Wells collection and later in the Lanick collection)

(Recut by Play-Rite)


(Estimated issue date: Mid-1923)

1. Cut Yourself A Piece Of Cake (And Make Yourself At Home)

(Billy James)

(Jun 29, 1923)

Fox Trot

2. When You Walked Out (Somebody Else Walked Right In)
(From the 1923 edition of "Music Box Revue")

(Irving Berlin)

(May 10, 1923)

Fox Trot

3. If I Knew You Then As I Know You Now

(Brown, Joyce & Hanley)

(May 7, 1923)


4. Morning Will Come
(From the stage musical "Bombo")

(Jolson, De Sylva & Conrad)

(Mar 27, 1923)

Fox Trot

5. Ain't Love A Wonderful Thing (Um-m-m Papa, Um-m-m Mama)

(Roy Ingraham)

(Feb 13, 1923)

Fox Trot

6. Don't Cry Swanee
(From the stage musical "Bombo")

(Jolson, De Sylva & Conrad)

(Mar 27, 1923)

Fox Trot

7. My Pal

(Herscher & Burke)

(Mar 28, 1923)


8. Stella

(Jolson, Davis & Akst)

(May 2, 1923)

Fox Trot

9. When All Your Castles Come Tumbling Down
(From the 1923 musical comedy "Molly Darling")

(Milton E. Schwarzwald)

(Sep 12, 1922)

Fox Trot

10. Listening In

(Harry J. Lincoln)

(Jul 21, 1923)


(Original roll formerly in the Playland-at-the-Beach collection)

(Recut by Play-Rite with, as substitutions for the missing tunes 2, 3 and 10, "I Wonder Who's Dancing With You Tonight," "Just A Girl That Men Forget" and "Patriots And Pioneers," from rolls 6624, 6621 and 6625, respectively)

(Same tunes as Style 125 roll 3090)

NOTE: Tunes 2, 3 and 10, missing on original copies, have been newly arranged by Rich Olsen and
added to the recuts in the Seabreeze Park, Drew and Thomas collections (2010). Matthew Caulfield
made copies of the tunes available for splicing into other recuts.


(Listed in Wurlitzer monthly roll list for October 1923)

1. Annabelle

(Ray Henderson)

(Jun 1, 1923)

Fox Trot

2. My Sweetie Went Away (She Didn't Say Where, When Or Why)

(Turk & Handman)

(Jun 16, 1923)

Fox Trot

3. Born And Bred In Brooklyn, Over The Bridge
(From the stage musical "The Rise Of Rosie O'Reilly")

(Geo. M. Cohan)

(May 15, 1923)


4. Carolina Mammy

(Billy James)

(Nov 3, 1922)

Fox Trot

5. Oh! Gee, Oh! Gosh, Oh! Golly, I'm In Love
(From the 1922 edition of "Ziegfeld Follies")

(Ernest Breuer)

(Jun 11, 1923)

Fox Trot

6. Roll On Mississippi

(Tommy Lyman)

(Aug 3, 1923)

Fox Trot*

7. I Cried For You (Now It's Your Turn To Cry Over Me)

(Arnheim & Lyman)

(Mar 16, 1923)

Fox Trot

8. That Old Gang Of Mine
(Introduced in the 1923 edition of "Ziegfeld Follies")

(Ray Henderson)

(May 16, 1923)

Fox Trot

9. Indiana Moon

(Isham Jones)

(Apr 12, 1923)


10. Lou'siana

(Walter Donaldson)

(Aug 6, 1923)

Fox Trot

* Tune 6 incorrectly identified by Wurlitzer as a waltz.
(Recut by Play-Rite and by Mike Grant)

"Special Review Waltz Roll"

(Listed in Wurlitzer monthly roll list for March 1924)

1. My Old Hawaiian Home (from roll 6612)

(F. W. Vandersloot)

(Jul 15, 1922)


2. Hawaiian Nightingale (from roll 6611)

(Vaughn De Leath)

(Mar 25, 1922)


3. The Sunset Trail Of Gold (from roll 6612)

(James G. MacDermid)

(Jul 7, 1922)


4. Mellow Moon (from roll 6612)

(Wendell W. Hall)

(Apr 5, 1922)


5. Swanee River Moon (from roll 6608)

(H. Pitman Clarke)

(Apr 4, 1921)


6. Three O'Clock In The Morning

(Julian Robledo)

(Jun 2, 1921)


7. Hawaiian Chimes (from roll 6605)

(Eva Applefield)

(May 14, 1921)


8. Hawaiian Moon (from roll 6605)

(King Hall)

(Jul 25, 1921)


9. Dreamy Hawaii (from roll 6578)

(F. W. Vandersloot)

(Jan 3, 1921)


10. Along Hawaiian Shores (from roll 6610)

(Anna Brock)


NOTE: All tunes were previously issued on earlier Wurlitzer rolls. However the source rolls for tunes 5, 7 & 8 are not known to have survived, making those tunes unique to this roll today. Additionally tune 6 is a different arrangement than on roll 6609. Tune 2 incorrectly listed as "Hawaiian Moonlight," tune 9 as "Dreamy Melody."
(Original roll in the Drew collection)

(Recut by Play-Rite)


(No known copies. From data provided by Frank McCullough*)

1. Not Here--Not There, It's Fifty Miles From Nowhere

(Ernest Breuer)

(Sep 4, 1923)

Fox Trot

2. A Perfect Kiss = Un Baiser Parfait

(Armand Beaucaire)

(Feb 1, 1923)


3. Easy Melody

(Conley & Rodemich)

(Aug 8, 1923)

Fox Trot

4. Foolish Child

(McPhail & Bargy)

(May 25, 1923)

Fox Trot

5. Mississippi Ripples

(Hanley & Earl)

(Sep 19, 1922)


6. Home In Pasadena

(Harry Warren)

(Dec 12, 1923)

Fox Trot

7. (What Do You Do Sunday,) Mary
(From the 1923 Broadway musical comedy "Poppy")

(Stephen Jones)

(Aug 25, 1923)

Fox Trot

8. Swanee River Rose

(Sam Braverman)

(Feb 25, 1924)


9. I'm Worried Over You
(Title incorrectly given as "Worried")

(Vincent Rose)

(Dec 31, 1923)

Fox Trot

10. I'm Sitting Pretty In A Pretty Little City

(Davis, Baer & Santly)

(Sep 6, 1923)

Fox Trot

* This roll, reported by the late Frank McCullough but not found in any Wurlitzer bulletin, was believed for many years to be a hoax, because McCullough was a known fabricator of bogus Wurlitzer information. (All the tunes do appear on Style 150 rolls 13108, 13110, 13113, and 13115.) But the fact, brought to light in December 2016 by Mikey Mills, that Wurlitzer's band organ arranger Charles Nilson had been having serious health problems, culminating in his death on March 6, 1924, may explain not only various irregularities in Wurlitzer's roll-issuing patterns in 1923 and 1924 but also why the above roll 6620 was never issued, with the "Special Review Waltz Roll" 6620 being issued in its place.


(Listed in Wurlitzer monthly roll list for March 1924)

1. Take, Oh Take Those Lips Away
(From the "New Ziegfeld Follies" of 1923)

(Harry Tierney)

(Oct 26, 1923)

Fox Trot

2. Linger Awhile

(Vincent Rose)

(Nov 16, 1923)

Fox Trot

3. Just A Girl That Men Forget

(Dubin, Rath & Garren)

(May 3, 1923)


4. Last Night On The Back Porch (I Loved Her Best Of All)

(Brown & Schraubstader)

(Jul 2, 1923)

Fox Trot

5. I Love You
(From the 1923 musical comedy "Little Jesse James")

(Harry Archer)

(Aug 8, 1922)

Fox Trot

6. When Lights Are Low

(Kahn, Koehler & Fiorito)

(Nov 22, 1923)


7. Eileen

(Victor Arden)

(Dec 3, 1923)

Fox Trot

8. I've Got A Song For Sale (That My Sweetie Turned Down)

(Jack Nelson)

(Sep 24,1923)

Fox Trot

9. Bring Back The Old Fashioned Waltz

(Albert Hay Malotte)

(Oct 2, 1923)


10. Chili Bom Bom

(Walter Donaldson)

(Dec 18, 1923)

Fox Trot

(Recut by Play-Rite)


(Estimated issue date: Early 1924)

1. Dream Daddy

(Louis Herscher)

(Apr 21, 1923)

Fox Trot

2. Sleep

(Earl Lebieg)

(Oct 30, 1923)


3. So This Is Venice
("A modern treatment of Ambroise Thomas' 'Carnival Of Venice'")
(From the "New 1923 Ziegfeld Follies")

(adap: Harry Warren)

(Sep 22, 1923)

Fox Trot

4. Oh, Baby! (Don't Say "No", Say "Maybe")

(Walter Donaldson)

(Jan 16, 1924)

Fox Trot

5. Colorado

(Harold A. Dellon)

(Apr 20, 1923)


6. California, Here I Come
(From the stage musical "Bombo")

(Jolson, De Sylva & Meyer)

(Jan 7, 1924)

Fox Trot

7. Saw Mill River Road
(From "Chickens" and the 1922 stage musical "Glory")

(Harry Tierney)

(Oct 15, 1921)

Fox Trot

8. Rosie O'Reilly (It's Rosie O'Reilly For Me)

(W. R. Williams)

(Oct 20, 1923)


9. Hula Lou
(In the stage revue "Artists And Models")

(Charles & King)

(Jan 2, 1924)

Fox Trot

10. Some Winter's Night

(Max Kortlander)

(Jan 10, 1923)

Fox Trot

(Recut by Play-Rite and by Valley Forge)


(Estimated issue date: Early 1924)

1. Maybe (She'll Write Me
Maybe (She'll Phone Me

(Turk, Snyder & Ahlert)

(Jan 18, 1924)

Fox Trot

2. Happy And Go Lucky In My Old Kentucky Home
("Fox trot with arrangement of 'My Old Kentucky Home'")

(Clarence Gaskill)

(Nov 14, 1923)

Fox Trot

3. On The Blue Lagoon (With You)

(Rudolf Friml)

(Feb 6, 1924)


4. Dancin' Dan

(Jack Stanley)

(Dec 15, 1923)

Fox Trot

5. The One I Love Belongs To Somebody Else

(Isham Jones)

(Jan 7, 1924)

Fox Trot

6. When It's Love Time In Hawaii

(Billy Heagney)

(Feb 9, 1924)


7. Twelve O'Clock At Night

(Lou Handman)

(Oct 27, 1923)

Fox Trot

8. I've Got A Cross Eyed Papa (But He Looks Straight To Me)

(Roy Ingraham)

(Sep 26, 1923)

Fox Trot

9. Someone Loves You After All
(From the 1923 stage musical "Kid Boots")

(Harry Tierney)

(Dec 5, 1923)

Fox Trot

10. When It's Night-Time In Italy, It's Wednesday Over Here

(Kendis & Brown)

(Oct 27, 1923)

Fox Trot

(Recut by Play-Rite)


(Listed in Wurlitzer monthly roll list for June 1924)

1. Raggedy Ann (Play tune in MP3)
(From the 1923 stage musical "The Stepping Stones")

(Jerome Kern)

(Oct 31, 1923)

Fox Trot

2. I Wonder Who's Dancing With You Tonight

(Ray Henderson)

(Jan 15, 1924)

Fox Trot

3. Somebody Stole My Gal

(Leo Wood)

(Mar 23, 1922)

Fox Trot

4. From One Till Two (I Always Dream Of You)

(Joe Hoover)

(Mar 25, 1924)

Fox Trot

5. London Bridge Is Falling Down (On The Isle Of Childhood Dreams)

(Harry I. Robinson)

(Feb 25, 1924)


6. A Smile Will Go A Long Long Way

(Davis & Akst)

(Jul 17, 1923)

Fox Trot

7. An Orange Grove In California
(From "The Music Box Revue Of 1923")

(Irving Berlin)

(Jun 15, 1923)

Fox Trot

8. Don't Mind The Rain

(Miller & Cohn)

(Feb 2, 1924)

Fox Trot

9. Nine O'Clock Sal

(LeRoy, Hays, O'Leary & Ingham)

(Dec 7, 1923)

Fox Trot

10. Stay Home, Little Girl, Stay Home

(James F. Hanley)

(Nov 8, 1923)


(Recut by Play-Rite)


(Listed in Wurlitzer monthly roll list for August 1924)

1. Why Did I Kiss That Girl?

(King & Henderson)

(Jan 19, 1924)

Fox Trot

2. Where The Lazy Daisies Grow

(Cliff Friend)

(Jan 29, 1924)

Fox Trot

3. It Ain't Gonna Rain No Mo'

(Wendell W. Hall)

(Dec 4, 1923)

Fox Trot

4. Adoration Waltz

(Otis & Romano)

(Jan 14, 1924)


5. Bringin' Home The Bacon

(Bannister, Colwell, Van & Schenk)

(May 23, 1924)

Fox Trot

6. Back In Hackensack, New Jersey

(Beiner & Russo)

(Mar 10, 1924)

Fox Trot

7. Until Tomorrow

(Al Hegbom)

(Sep 14, 1923)


8. There's Yes, Yes In Your Eyes

(John H. Santly)

(Mar 15, 1924)

Fox Trot

9. Jealous (Play tune in MP3)

(Jack Little)

(Apr 6, 1924)

Fox Trot

10. Patriots And Pioneers

(Joseph Meinrath)

(Apr 22, 1924)


(Recut by Play-Rite)


(Listed in Wurlitzer monthly roll list for November 1924)

1. Oh, Peter You're So Nice

(Wiedoeft, Rose & Stafford)

(May 15, 1924)

Fox Trot

2. June Night (Just Give Me A June Night, The Moonlight, And You)

(Friend & Baer)

(Jun 10, 1924)

Fox Trot

3. Moonlight Memories

(Vincent Rose)

(Jun 18, 1924)


4. Doodle Doo Doo

(Kassel & Switzel)

(May 15, 1924)

Fox Trot

5. Spain

(Isham Jones)

(May 5, 1924)

Fox Trot

6. Memory Lane

(Spier & Conrad)

(Mar 20, 1924)


7. Charley My Boy

(Kahn & Fiorito)

(Jul 25, 1924)

Fox Trot

8. Mandalay

(Burtnett, Lyman & Arnheim)

(May 14, 1924)

Fox Trot

9. What'll I Do?
(From "The Music Box Revue of 1923")

(Irving Berlin)

(Mar 10, 1924)


10. Bring Back Those Rock-A-Bye Baby Days

(Silver & Bernie)

(Jun 27, 1924)

Fox Trot

(Recut by Play-Rite and by Mike Grant)
(When recut by Play-Rite in 1979, tunes 1 & 10 were not yet identified)


(Listed in Wurlitzer monthly roll list for January 1925)

1. Follow The Swallow

(Ray Henderson)

(Aug 4, 1924)

Fox Trot

2. Honest And Truly

(Fred Rose)

(May 15, 1924)


3. Me And The Boy Friend

(Jimmie Monaco)

(Sep 22, 1924)

Fox Trot

4. Because They All Love You

(Jack Little)

(Sep 12, 1924)

Fox Trot

5. All Alone
(From "The Music Box Revue Of 1923")

(Irving Berlin)

(Sep 9, 1924)


6. Red Hot Mama

(Wells, Cooper & Rose)

(Mar 10, 1924)

Fox Trot

7. Doo Wacka Doo

(Gaskill, Donaldson & Horther)

(Sep 26, 1924)

Fox Trot

8. The Pal That I Loved Stole The Gal That I Loved

(Pease & Nelson)

(Jun 20, 1924)


9. When I Was The Dandy And You Were The Belle

(Handman & Dreyer)

(Aug 14, 1924)

Fox Trot

10. Eliza

(Ted Fiorito)

(Sep 26, 1924)

Fox Trot

(Recut by Play-Rite and by Mike Grant)


(Estimated issue date: Early 1925)

1. Show Me The Way

(Lewis & Ross)

(Oct 18, 1924)

Fox Trot

2. How Do You Do

(Fleming, Harrison & deVoll)

(Aug 1, 1924)

Fox Trot

3. Too Tired

(Little, Sizemore & Shay)

(Aug 9, 1924)

Fox Trot

4. Oh Susanna

(Stephen Foster, arr.: Lapham)

(Jul 17, 1924)

Fox Trot

5. Come On Over

(Jack Little)

(Sep 12, 1924)

Fox Trot

6. Oh Mabel

(Ted Fiorito)

(Dec 22, 1924)

Fox Trot

7. Baby, What Is Your Name?

(Jack Little)

(Sep 20, 1924)

Fox Trot

8. Rose Marie
(From the 1924 stage revue "Rose Marie")

(Rudolf Friml)

(Sep 8, 1924)

Fox Trot

9. Oh, Lady Be Good
(From the 1924 stage musical "Lady Be Good")

(George Gershwin)

(Dec 1, 1924)

Fox Trot

10. Insufficient Sweetie

(Wells - Jones)

(Dec 3, 1924)

Fox Trot

NOTE: According to Gavin McDonough, tune 4 is actually a medley with "Old Black Joe" by the same composer.

(Original roll formerly in the Wells collection, then in the Wolf collection)

(Recut by Play-Rite)


(Listed in Wurlitzer monthly roll list for May 1925)

1. When My Sugar Walks Down The Street, All The Little Birdies Go Tweet-Tweet-Tweet

(Austin, McHugh & Mills)

(Dec 31, 1924)

Fox Trot

2. Oh, How I Miss You Tonight

(Davis, Burke & Fisher)

(Jan 31, 1925)


3. Oh, Katharina
(Introduced in the stage revue "LaChauve-Souris")

(Richard Fall)

(Dec 31, 1924)

Fox Trot

4. Just A Little Drink

(Byron Gay)

(Jan 24, 1925)

Fox Trot

5. Cheatin' On Me

(Lew Pollack)

(Jan 31, 1925)

Fox Trot

6. At The End Of The Road
(From "Lola")

(James F. Hanley)

(Mar 30, 1922)

Fox Trot

7. Let It Rain, Let It Pour (I'll Be In Virginia In The Morning)
(Interpolated in the 1924 Broadway musical revue "The Grab Bag")

(Walter Donaldson)

(Feb 6, 1925)

Fox Trot

8. My Sally (Just The Same)

(A. W. Kaney)

(May 23, 1924)


9. The Only Only One (For Me)

(Monaco & Warren)

(Dec 2, 1924)

Fox Trot

10. Temper'mental Papa

(Wendling & Brockman)

(Sep 12, 1924)

Fox Trot

(Original roll from the Playland-at-the-Beach collection)
(Glenn Thomas recalled this roll being brought to Lincoln Park, Los Angeles, for a playing)

(Recut by Play-Rite)


(Estimated issue date: Mid-1925)

1. Peter Pan (I Love You)

(King & Henderson)

(Sep 29, 1924)

Fox Trot

2. Don't Bring Lulu

(Ray Henderson)

(Mar 18, 1925)

Fox Trot

3. Betty Lee
(From the 1924 musical comedy "Betty Lee")

(Con Conrad)

(Nov 25, 1924)

Fox Trot

4. The Midnight Waltz

(Walter Donaldson)

(Feb 21, 1925)


5. Ev'rything Is Hotsy Totsy Now

(Jimmy McHugh)

(May 8, 1925)

Fox Trot

6. I'll Take Her Back If She Wants To Come Back

(James V. Monaco)

(Nov 10, 1924)

Fox Trot

7. Who Takes Care Of The Caretaker's Daughter (While The Caretaker's Busy Taking Care)
(From "Lady Be Good")

(Chick Endor)

(Jul 9, 1924)

Fox Trot

8. West Of The Great Divide

(Ernest R. Ball)

(Jul 30, 1924)


9. Titina
(From the stage revue "Puzzles of 1925")

(Leo Daniderff)

(Jan 26, 1925)

Fox Trot

10. Let Me Linger Longer In Your Arms

(Abel Baer)

(Dec 19, 1924)

Fox Trot

(Recut by Play-Rite and by Mike Grant)


"Waltz Roll"

(Listed in Wurlitzer monthly roll list for August 1925)

1. Listening
(From the "Music Box Revue," 1925)

(Irving Berlin)

(Dec 15, 1924)


2. Song Of Love
("Music adapted from melodies of Franz Schubert and Heinrich Berte")
(From the stage musical "Blossom Time")

(Sigmund Romberg)

(Sep 19, 1921)


3. Dreamer Of Dreams

(Ted Fiorito)

(Aug 26, 1924)


4. The West, A Nest, And You

(Billy Hill)

(Jul 31, 1922)


5. Carolina Sweetheart

(Billy James)

(Apr 7, 1925)


6. In Shadowland

(Brooks & Ahlert)

(Sep 3, 1924)


7. Slumbering *

(Simon & Berg)

(Feb 25, 1923)


8. Let Me Call You Sweetheart (I'm In Love With You)

(Leo Friedman)

(Apr 8, 1910)


9. I've Found My Sweetheart Sally

(Lew Pollack)

(Feb 13, 1925)


10. Land Of My Sunset Dreams

(Wendell W. Hall)

(Feb 4, 1924)


* Incorrrectly labeled "Slumberland"

(Recut by Play-Rite and by Mike Grant)


(Estimated issue date: Late 1925)

1. Yes Sir, That's My Baby

(Walter Donaldson)

(Apr 27, 1925)

Fox Trot

2. Save Your Sorrow (For Tomorrow)

(Al Sherman)

(Apr 28, 1925)

Fox Trot

3. Marguerite


(Apr 13, 1925)

Fox Trot

4. When You And I Were Seventeen

(Charles Rosoff)

(Oct 17, 1924)


5. Mamie

(Jack Shilkret)

(Dec 27, 1924)

Fox Trot

6. Oh Say! Can I See You Tonight

(Creamer, Schuster & Flatow)

(Jul 2, 1925)

Fox Trot

7. Look Who's Here
(From the stage revue "Puzzles of 1925")

(Ken Whitmer)

(May 27, 1925)

Fox Trot

8. Sometime

(Ted Fiorito)

(Jul 10, 1925)


9. Red Hot Henry Brown

(Fred Rose)

(Apr 30, 1925)

Fox Trot

10. (What Do I Care, What Do I Care) My Sweetie Turned Me Down

(Walter Donaldson)

(Apr 25, 1925)

Fox Trot

(Recut by Play-Rite)


(Estimated issue date: Late 1925)

1. Sleepy Time Gal

(Lorenzo & Whiting)

(Apr 8, 1925)

Fox Trot

2. Remember
(Shown on Play-Rite recuts as "Remember (You Forgot To Remember)")

(Irving Berlin)

(Jul 27, 1925)


3. (Does Your Mother Know You're Out) Cecilia

(Dave Dreyer)

(Jun 20, 1925)

Fox Trot

4. Roll 'Em Girls (Roll Your Own) (Play tune in MP3)

(Marr, Heath & Fletcher)

(Oct 9, 1925)

Fox Trot

5. Let Us Waltz As We Say Goodbye

(Art L. Beiner)

(Aug 31, 1925)


6. Dream Pal

(Billy Baskette)

(Jul 7, 1925)

Fox Trot

7. Tomorrow Mornin'

(Little & Robinson*)

(Oct 7, 1925)

Fox Trot

8. Bam, Bam Bamy Shore

(Ray Henderson)

(Sep 25, 1925)

Fox Trot

9. When I Dream Of The Last Waltz With You

(Ted Fiorito)

(Oct 8, 1925)


10. (I Wanna Go Where You Go - Do What You Do) Then I'll Be Happy

(Cliff Friend)

(Nov 21, 1925)

Fox Trot

* Some sources mistakenly identify tune 7's lyricist, Andy Britt, as composer.

(Recut by Play-Rite)


(Estimated issue date: Early 1926)

1. Paddlin' Madelin' Home

(Harry Woods)

(Aug 4, 1925)

Fox Trot

2. I Wish't I Was In Peoria

(Harry Woods)

(Nov 12, 1925)

Fox Trot

3. Always

(Irving Berlin)

(Sep 16, 1925)


4. Dinah
(From a night club revue at "The New Plantations")

(Harry Akst)

(Aug 12, 1925)

Fox Trot

5. She Was Just A Sailor's Sweetheart

(Joe Burke)

(Mar 14, 1925)

Fox Trot

6. That Certain Party

(Walter Donaldson)

(Oct 27, 1925)

Fox Trot

7. Down By The Winegar Woiks

(Bestor, Lewis & Donovan)

(Oct 15, 1925)


8. Show Me The Way To Go Home

(King & Campbell)

(Mar 16, 1925)

Fox Trot

9. I Love My Baby (My Baby Loves Me)

(Harry Warren)

(Dec 1, 1925)

Fox Trot

10. Clap Hands, Here Comes Charley

(Joseph Meyer)

(Nov 6, 1925)

Fox Trot

(Recut by Play-Rite and by Mike Grant)


(Estimated issue date: Mid-1926)

1. Tentin' Down In Tennessee

(Harry Woods)

(Feb 6, 1926)

Fox Trot

2. Thanks For The Buggy Ride

(Jules Buffano)

(Dec 11, 1925)

Fox Trot

3. Sorry And Blue

(Bob & Don Elbel)

(Nov 4, 1925)


4. A Cup Of Coffee, A Sandwich, And You
(From "Andre Charlot's Revue")

(Joseph Meyer)

(Oct 2, 1925)

Fox Trot

5. Scatter Your Smiles

(Kortlander & Wendling)

(Apr 23, 1926)

Fox Trot

6. Just A Cottage Small (By A Waterfall)

(James F. Hanley)

(Aug 21, 1925)

Fox Trot

7. Garland Of Old Fashioned Roses

(E. Clinton Keithley)

(Jan 12, 1911)


8. Let's Talk About My Sweetie

(Walter Donaldson)

(Feb 24, 1926)

Fox Trot

9. Poor Papa (He's Got Nuthin' At All)

(Harry Woods)

(Feb 1, 1926)

Fox Trot

10. Sleepy Head

(Davis & Greer)

(Jan 18, 1926)


(Recut by Play-Rite)


(Estimated issue date: Mid-1926)

1. I'd Climb The Highest Mountain (If I Knew I'd Find You)
(Based on Dvorak's "Humoresque")

(Brown & Clare)

(Mar 6, 1926)

Fox Trot

2. Everything's Gonna Be All Right

(Harry Akst)

(Feb 8, 1926)

Fox Trot

3. (I Don't Believe It--But) Say It Again

(Abner Silver)


Fox Trot

4. Sympathy Waltz (Just A Bit Of Sympathy)

(Irving Bibo)



5. Just Around The Corner

(Harry Von Tilzer)

(Jul 13, 1925)

Fox Trot

6. Freshie
(From the 1925 Harold Lloyd/Pathe film "The Freshman")

(Jesse Greer)

(Aug 24, 1925)

Fox Trot

7. Who?
(From the 1925 stage musical "Sunny")

(Jerome Kern)

(Sep 19, 1925)

Fox Trot

8. Deep In My Heart, Dear
(From "In Heidelberg" and the 1924 operetta "The Student Prince")

(Sigmund Romberg)

(Nov 11, 1924)


9. Goodnight; I'll See You In The Morning

(Hohengarten, Roettger & Small)

(Feb 17, 1926)

Fox Trot

10. On The Mall
(Composed for the dedication of a new bandstand in NYC's Central Park)

(Edwin Franko Goldman)

(Jul 23, 1923)


NOTE: tune 3 originally misidentified on recuts as Con Conrad's 1923 "Say It Again"; tune 4 misidentified
as the 1923 waltz "When All The World Forgets You, There's A Mother Waiting Still" by Harold Dixon.

NOTE: According to Gavin McDonough, tune 7 is actually a medley of "Who?" and "Sunny,"
both by Jerome Kern from the 1925 stage musical "Sunny."

(Recut by Play-Rite)
(When recut in 1979, tunes 4 & 9 were not identified; tune 8 shown on some or all recuts as "Deep In The Heart")


(Estimated issue date: Mid-1926)

(1.) (Missing on known copies)*

2. Horses

(Gay & Whiting)

(Feb 10, 1926)

Fox Trot

3. At Peace With The World

(Irving Berlin)

(May 19, 1926)


4. Honey Bunch

(Cliff Friend)

(Mar 10, 1926)

Fox Trot

5. Gimme A Little Kiss, Will Ya, Huh?

(Turk, Smith & Pinkard)

(Jan 30, 1926)

Fox Trot

6. She's A Cornfed Indiana Girl (But She's Mama To Me)

(Frey, Kilfeather & Olsen)

(Feb 25, 1926)

Fox Trot

7. In The Middle Of The Night

(Walter Donaldson)

(Jan 22,1925)


8. The Promenade Walk
(From the 1924 Broadway revue "Artists And Models")

(Goodman, Rubens & Coots)

(Jul 6, 1925)

Fox Trot

9. Adorable

(Raymond Wynburn)

(May 5, 1926)

Fox Trot

10. Hi-Diddle-Diddle

(Coon & Keidel)

(Mar 31, 1926)

Fox Trot

* Recuts by Mike Grant have "Junior Order March" (William Edward Menghi, 1932), adapted from B.A.B. roll 388, as tune 1. One or more other recuts instead have "If I Catch The Guy Who Wrote Poor Butterfly" (Arthur N. Green, 1917) from roll 6532.

(Recut by Play-Rite and by Mike Grant)
(When recut in 1969 by John Malone for Ross Davis, tunes 3, 6, 7, 8 & 9 were unidentified. When recut in 1979 by Malone (d.b.a. Play-Rite), tunes 3, 8 & 9 were still unidentified. Tune 8 was identified by Daniel Cillis, tune 9 by Martin Bryan & Michael Eert)


(Estimated issue date: Late 1926)

1. I'm Just Wild About Animal Crackers!
(Missing on 1979 recuts; present on 1985 recuts)

(Harry Link)

(Jun 3, 1926)

Fox Trot

2. Hi-Ho The Merrio

(Con Conrad)

(May 14, 1926)

Fox Trot

3. Let The End of The World Come Tomorrow (As Long As You Love Me Today)

(Ernest R. Ball)

(Feb 25, 1926)


4. Where'd You Get Those Eyes?

(Walter Donaldson)

(Jun 15, 1926)

Fox Trot

5. You Need Someone To Love

(Olson, Kilfeather & Frey)

(May 6, 1926)

Fox Trot

6. Valencia
(From the stage revues "Mistinguett" and "The Great Temptations")

(Jose Padilla)

(Dec 31, 1925)


7. It's Too Late To Be Sorry Now

(Verges, Therrlen & LeClaire)

(Feb 1, 1926)


8. No Foolin'
(From the stage revue "Palm Beach Nights")

(Hanley & Buck)

(Feb 3, 1926)

Fox Trot

9. Bye Bye Blackbird

(Ray Henderson)

(May 3, 1926)

Fox Trot

10. Ya Gotta Know How To Love

(Harry Warren)

(May 21, 1926)

Fox Trot

                                                           (Recut by Play-Rite)


(Estimated issue date: Late 1926)

1. I Just Want To Be Known As "Susie's Feller"
(Part of tune missing on known copies)

(Dave Dreyer)

(Aug 24, 1926)

Fox Trot

2. That Night In Araby

(Ted Snyder)

(Aug 20, 1926)

Fox Trot

3. Lay Me Down To Sleep In Carolina

(Milton Ager)

(Sep 14, 1926)

Fox Trot

4. There's A New Star In Heaven Tonight - Rudolph Valentino

(Brennan, McHugh & Mills)

(Sep 14, 1926)


5. She's Still My Baby

(Jack Little)

(Aug 20, 1926)

Fox Trot

6. The Girl Friend
(From "The Girl Friend")

(Richard Rodgers)

(Mar 24, 1926)

Fox Trot

7. Birth of The Blues
(From "George White's Scandals")

(Ray Henderson)

(Jun 23, 1926)

Fox Trot

8. Black Bottom
(From "George White's Scandals")

(Ray Henderson)

(Jun 23, 1926)

Fox Trot

9. Because I Love You

(Irving Berlin)

(Sep 29, 1926)


10. Just A Bird's-Eye View

(Walter Donaldson)

(Oct 19, 1926)

Fox Trot

(Original roll from the Seabreeze Park collection; destroyed by fire Mar. 31, 1994)

(Recut by Play-Rite)


Recuts have the following two tunes from roll 6610 added at the beginning of the roll, on the mistaken belief that the original roll was short two tunes, a belief caused by the mis-stamping of tune numbers on recuts. The original roll is, in fact, complete except for the beginning of tune 1; its tempo is improved -- and the integrity of the original roll is restored -- when the Play-Rite additions are removed.
a. My Yiddisha Mammy
(From the stage musical "Make It Snappy")

(Gerber, Schwartz & Cantor)

(Mar 30, 1922)

Fox Trot

b. Stumbling

(Zez Confrey)

(Apr 3, 1922)

Fox Trot


(Estimated issue date: Early 1927)

1. I'm Looking Over A Four Leaf Clover

(Harry Woods)

(Jan 17, 1927)

Fox Trot

2. Yankee Rose

(Abe Frankl)

(Jan 27, 1927)

Fox Trot

3. High-High-High Up In The Hills

(Maurice Abrahams)

(Dec 27, 1926)

Fox Trot

4. What Does It Matter

(Irving Berlin)

(Feb 15, 1927)


5. Side By Side

(Harry Woods)

(Mar 25, 1927)

Fox Trot

6. So Will I

(Brown & Friend)

(Nov 23, 1926)

Fox Trot

7. Moonbeam! Kiss Her For Me

(Harry Woods)

(Jan 17, 1927)

Fox Trot

8. I Could Waltz On Forever (With You Sweetheart)

(Billy Baskette)

(Jan 31, 1927)


9. (There's Something Nice About Everyone, But) There's Everything Nice About You

(Pete Wendling)

(Jan 26, 1927)

Fox Trot

10. Blue Skies
(From the stage revue "Betsy")

(Irving Berlin)

(Dec 27, 1926)

Fox Trot

NOTE: Tune 10 is present on recuts, though not mentioned on the label

(Recut by Play-Rite)


(Estimated issue date: Mid-1927)

1. Rosy Cheeks

(Simons & Whiting)

(Mar 29, 1927)

Fox Trot

2. It All Depends On You
(From the stage revue "Big Boy")

(Ray Henderson)

(Oct 23, 1926)

Fox Trot

3. Oh Lizzie (A Lover's Lament) (Play tune in MP3)

(Irving Bibo)

(Feb 14, 1927)

Fox Trot

4. Silver Moon
(From the stage musical "My Maryland")

(Sigmund Romberg)

(Jan 29, 1927)


5. Hello Cutie

(Cliff Friend)

(Mar 16, 1927)

Fox Trot

6. Pretty Little Thing

(Harry H. Tobias)

(Jan 12, 1927)

Fox Trot

7. My Regular Girl

(Harry Warren)

(Feb 17, 1927)

Fox Trot

8. Russian Lullaby

(Irving Berlin)

(Apr 7, 1927)


9. Hoosier Sweetheart

(Goodwin, Ash & Baskette)

(Jan 6, 1927)

Fox Trot

10. With Someone Like You

(Edwin Tillman)

(Jan 29, 1927)

Fox Trot

(Recut by Play-Rite and by Mike Grant)


(Estimated issue date: Mid-1927)

1. Lucky Lindy

(Abel Baer)

(May 25, 1927)

Fox Trot

2. Me And My Shadow
(Introduced in the stage revue "Harry Delmar's Revels")

(Jolson & Dreyer)

(May 10, 1927)

Fox Trot

3. (Oh, The Whip-Poor-Will Sings In The Sycamore) Just The Same

(Donaldson & Burke)

(May 5, 1927)

Fox Trot

4. The Night Of Love

(Vilma Banky)

(Mar 11, 1927)


5. Sweet Marie

(Abe Frankl)

(Apr 20, 1927)

Fox Trot

6. Just Like A Butterfly (That's Caught In The Rain)

(Harry Woods)

(May 18, 1927)

Fox Trot

7. Ya Gonna Be Home Tonight?
(Shown on Play-Rite recuts as "Ya Gonna Be Home Tonight (Oh Yeh? Then I'll Be Over)")

(Dixon, Dubin & Stept)

(Feb 21, 1927)

Fox Trot

8. Charmaine
(Love theme for the Fox film "What Price Glory")

(Erno Rapee)

(Dec 29, 1926)


9. (What Do We Do On A) Dew Dew Dewey Day

(Johnson, Tobias & Sherman)

(Mar 24, 1927)

Fox Trot

10. There's A Trick In Pickin' A Chick-Chick-Chicken

(Tobias, Goetz & Robinson)

(Jun 10, 1927)

Fox Trot

(Recut by Play-Rite and by Mike Grant)


(Estimated issue date: Late 1927)

1. (My) Blue Heaven

(Walter Donaldson)

(Sep 2, 1927)

Fox Trot

2. Among My Souvenirs

(Horatio Nicholls)*

(Oct 5, 1927)

Fox Trot

3. Is She My Girl Friend

(Milton Ager)

(Oct 15, 1927)

Fox Trot

4. Diane
(Theme song of the Fox film "Seventh Heaven")

(Lew Pollack)

(Sep 2, 1927)


5. Together We Two

(Irving Berlin)

(Oct 26, 1927)

Fox Trot

6. Go Home And Tell Your Mother (That I Love You) (Play tune in MP-3 )
(From "Love In The Rough")

(Baer, Russell & Schuster)

(Oct 10, 1927)

Fox Trot

7. You Can't Walk Back From An Aeroplane
(From the stage revue "Footlights")

(Bibo & Friedlander)

(Oct 5, 1927)

Fox Trot

8. The Song Is Ended (But The Melody Lingers On)

(Irving Berlin)

(Nov 11, 1927)


9. Everybody Loves My Girl

(Maurice Abrahams)

(Oct 28, 1927)

Fox Trot

10. When You're With Somebody Else

(Etting & Baer)

(Nov 26, 1927)

Fox Trot

* Pseudonym of Lawrence Wright.

(Original roll acquired by Ross R. Davis for Lincoln Park, Los Angeles,
Mar. 17, 1928, and now in the Robinson collection)

(Recut by Play-Rite)


"Skate! Dance! N'Everything"

(Estimated issue date: Early 1928)

1. Let A Smile Be Your Umbrella On A Rainy Day

(Sammy Fain)

(Dec 22, 1927)

Fox Trot

2. Mine - All Mine

(Sam H. Stept)

(Nov 29, 1927)

Fox Trot

3. (I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream For) Ice Cream

(Johnson, Moll & King)

(Dec 2, 1927)

Fox Trot

4. Where In The World
(Shown on Play-Rite recuts as "Where In The World (Is There Someone For Me)")

(Al Lewis)

(Oct 10, 1927)


5. Our Bungalow Of Dreams

(Joe Verges)

(Oct 28, 1927)

Fox Trot

6. Hollywood Rose

(Jolson & Kahn)

(Nov 8, 1927)

Fox Trot

7. Dream Kisses

(M. K. Jerome)

(Oct 1, 1927)

Fox Trot

8. Somebody Lied About Me

(Carl Emler)

(Aug 2, 1927)


9. Tin Pan Parade

(Gillespie & Whiting)

(Sep 26, 1927)

Fox Trot

10. There Must Be A Silver Lining

(Walter Donaldson)

(Jan 30, 1928)

Fox Trot

(Recut by Play-Rite and by Mike Grant)


(Estimated issue date: Early 1928)

1. After My Laughter Came Tears

(Roy Turk)

(Jan 3, 1928)

Fox Trot

2. Whisper Sweet And Whisper Low

(Joe Burke)

(Jul 9, 1927)

Fox Trot

3. My Ohio Home

(Walter Donaldson)

(Dec 20, 1927)

Fox Trot

4. Early In The Morning

(Earl Rupp)

(Jan 10, 1928)


5. Sunshine

(Irving Berlin)

(Feb 14, 1928)

Fox Trot

6. It All Belongs To Me
(From the 1927 edition of "Ziegfeld Follies")

(Irving Berlin)

(Aug 25, 1927)

Fox Trot

7. In The Sweet Bye And Bye

(Pete Wendling)

(Feb 28, 1928)

Fox Trot

8. Kiki

(Hosang & Sizemore)

(Jan 30, 1928)


9. In The Sing Song Sycamore Tree

(Harry Woods)

(Jan 18, 1928)

Fox Trot

10. Mary Ann

(Abner Silver)

(Dec 20, 1927)

Fox Trot

(Recut by Play-Rite and by Mike Grant)


"Tunes That Can't Miss"

(Estimated issue date: Early 1928)

1. An' Furthermore

(Harry Warren)

(Aug 15, 1927)

Fox Trot

2. It's Awful (I Mean It's Awfully Nice)

(Ted Snyder)

(Feb 21, 1928)

Fox Trot

3. I Just Roll Along (Havin' My Ups And Downs)

(Peter De Rose)

(Dec 3, 1927)

Fox Trot

4. Girl Of My Dreams

(Sunny Clapp)

(Sep 14, 1927)


5. Keep Sweeping The Cobwebs Off The Moon

(Oscar Levant)

(Dec 27, 1927)

Fox Trot

6. I Still Love You

(Milton Ager)

(Jan 6, 1928)

Fox Trot

7. Luscious

(Lewis, Young & Pollack)

(Mar 9, 1928)

Fox Trot

8. Ramona
(Score for the 1928 film "Ramona")

(Mabel Wayne)

(Dec 31, 1927)


9. Dolores

(Kassel & Bloom)

(Feb 10, 1928)

Fox Trot

10. Coquette

(Carmen Lombardo)

(Feb 10, 1928)

Fox Trot

(Recut by Play-Rite)


"Broadway's Best"

(Estimated issue date: Mid-1928)

1. Hello Montreal

(Harry Warren)

(Mar 28, 1928)

Fox Trot

2. A Hundred Years From Now

(Silvers & Baker)

(Apr 27, 1928)

Fox Trot

3. She's A Great, Great Girl

(Harry Woods)

(Mar 9, 1928)

Fox Trot

4. Laugh, Clown, Laugh

(Ted Fiorito)

(Feb 24, 1928)


5. Lila

(Gottler, Tobias & Pinkard)

(Mar 9, 1928)

Fox Trot

6. My Miami Moon

(Herscher & Hays)

(Mar 19, 1928)

Fox Trot

7. Who Wouldn't Be Blue

(Joe Burke)

(Apr 3, 1928)

Fox Trot

8. I Can't Do Without You

(Irving Berlin)

(Mar 20, 1928)


9. Say "Yes" Today

(Walter Donaldson)

(Mar 14, 1928)

Fox Trot

10. The Sunrise

(Cliff Friend)

(Nov 2, 1927)

Fox Trot

(Recut by Play-Rite)


"Snappy Skating And Dance Tunes"

(Estimated issue date: Late 1928)

1. Out Of The Dawn
(From the Paramount film "Warming Up")

(Walter Donaldson)

(Jul 9, 1928)

Fox Trot

2. Blue Grass

(De Sylva, Brown & Henderson)

(Jun 28, 1928)

Fox Trot

3. From Monday On

(Barris & Crosby)

(Feb 23, 1928)

Fox Trot

4. Memories Of France

(J. Russel Robinson)

(Jun 26, 1928)


5. I Don't Care

(Saxie Dowell)

(Aug 16, 1928)

Fox Trot

6. That's My Weakness Now

(Green & Stept)

(Jun 11, 1928)

Fox Trot

7. Lonely Little Bluebird

(Harry Woods)

(Jun 11, 1928)

Fox Trot

8. Twelve O'Clock Waltz

(Harry Warren)

(Jul 13, 1928)


9. Lonesome In The Moonlight

(Abel Baer)

(Jun 21, 1928)

Fox Trot

10. Dusky Stevedore

(J. C. Johnson)

(Jun 6, 1928)

Fox Trot

(Recut by Play-Rite and by Mike Grant)
(Tune 4 identified by Ed Sprankle)


(Estimated issue date: Early 1929)

1. I'll Get By

(Fred E. Ahlert)

(Aug 10, 1928)

Fox Trot

2. Sweethearts on Parade

(Carmen Lombardo)

(Oct 26, 1928)

Fox Trot

3. Marie
(From the 1928 United Artists film "The Awakening")

(Irving Berlin)

(Jul 24, 1928)


4. A Precious Little Thing Called Love
(From the 1929 Paramount film "The Shopworn Angel")

(Davis & Coots)

(Dec 12, 1928)

Fox Trot

5. Me And The Man In The Moon

(Jimmie Monaco)

(Oct 22, 1928)

Fox Trot

6. Carolina Moon

(Joe Burke)

(Oct 22, 1928)


7. Where The Shy Little Violets Grow

(Harry Warren)

(Sep 28, 1928)

Fox Trot

8. My Inspiration Is You

(Horatio Nicholls)*

(Oct 10, 1928)

Fox Trot

9. Forever

(Milton Ager)

(Aug 31, 1928)


10. Wedding Bells Are Breaking Up That Old Gang Of Mine

(Sammy Fain)

(Jan 14, 1929)

Fox Trot

* Pseudonym of Lawrence Wright.

(Original roll from the Seabreeze Park collection; destroyed by fire Mar. 31, 1994)

(Recut by Play-Rite)
(When (initially?) recut, the identity of tune 9 was not known; it was later identified by Martin Bryan)

(The original roll having lost its label and numbering long ago, copies made at recutting were assigned the roll number 6651, based on its tune dates and the fact that there were no surviving rolls numbered 6650, 6651, or 6652. But the discovery in February 2012 of roll 6651 allowed this roll to be given its correct number)

"Marvelous Melodies -- Every One A Sure Winner"

(Estimated issue date: early 1929)

1. Weary River
(Title song of the 1929 First National/Warner Brothers motion picture)

(Louis Silvers)

(Jan 24, 1929)

Fox Trot

2. The Sun Is At My Window, Throwing Kisses At Me

(George W. Meyer)

(Nov 23, 1928)

Fox Trot

3. She's A New Kind Of Old-Fashioned Girl

(Vincent Rose)

(Mar 4, 1929)


4. Broadway Melody
(From the 1929 MGM motion picture "The Broadway Melody")

(Nacio Herb Brown)

(Feb 2, 1929)

Fox Trot

5. My Mother's Eyes
(From the 1929 Tyfany-Stahl motion picture "Lucky Boy")

(Abel Baer)

(Nov 23, 1928)

Fox Trot

6. Mistakes

(Everett Lynton)

(May 2, 1928)


7. I'd Rather Be Blue Over You, Than Be Happy With Somebody Else
(From the 1928 Warner Brothers motion picture "My Man")

(Fred Fisher)

(Dec 31, 1928)

Fox Trot

8. I'm Ka-razy For You

(Jolson, Rose & Dreyer)

(Feb 14, 1929)

Fox Trot

9. Coquette
(Title song of the 1929 United Artists motion picture)

(Irving Berlin)

(Nov 30, 1928)


10. Cradle Of Love

(Mabel Wayne)

(Dec 20, 1928)

Fox Trot

(Original roll formerly in the Hurlbut collection and now in the D. Johnson collection)
(See note at the foot of the entry for roll 6650)

(Recut by Play-Rite, 2012)

(Same tunes as Style 125 roll 3156 and Style 150 roll 13179)

"Wonderful Harmony Hits"

(Estimated issue date: early 1929)

NOTE: No Wurlitzer records survive showing the contents of this lost roll. Its contents are assumed from known copies of Style 125 and Style 150 rolls issued in 1929 and the parallels between the three series that existed at the time.
1. When I'm Walkin' With My Sweetness, Down Among The Sugar Cane
(From the Warner Brothers film "So Long Letty")

(Peter De Rose)

(Jan 23, 1929)

Fox Trot

2. Honey

(Simons, Gillespie & Whiting)

(Oct 24, 1928)

Fox Trot

3. Dream Girl Of Pi K. A.

(Ernest Shields)

(Nov 29, 1927)


4. Little Baby Curls

(King & Greer)

(Jan 22, 1929)

Fox Trot

5. Dream Mother

(Joe Burke)

(Mar 18, 1929)

Fox Trot

6. When The Curtain Comes Down

(Sherman, Lewis & Hoefle)

(Jan 13, 1929)


7. I'm Wild About Horns On Automobiles That Go Ta-Ta-Ta-Ta

(Clarence Gaskill)

(Nov 16, 1928)

Fox Trot

8. That's Her Now!

(Milton Ager)

(Jan 1, 1929)

Fox Trot

9. Blue Hawaii

(Baer, Caesar & Schuster)

(Apr 12, 1929)


10. And Especially You

(Silver, Sherman & Lewis)

(Feb 23, 1929)

Fox Trot

(Newly arranged by Andrew Park and issued by Play-Rite, 2015)

(Same tunes as Style 125 roll 3158 and Style 150 roll 13181)


(Estimated issue date: Mid-1929)

1. Louise
(From the Paramount films "Innocents Of Paris" and "Halfway To Heaven")

(Richard A. Whiting)

(Mar 22, 1929)

Fox Trot

2. Just Be A Builder Of Dreams

(Lew Pollack)

(Apr 5, 1929)

Fox Trot

3. Just Beyond The Blue

(Abbott & Weber)

(Apr 11, 1929)


4. That's What I Call Heaven

(Solman, Brown & Wimbrow)

(Feb 27, 1929)

Fox Trot

5. I'm Just A Vagabond Lover
(From the Paramount film "Glorifying The American Girl")

(Vallee & Zimmerman)

(Apr 9, 1929)

Fox Trot

6. I'll Always Be In Love With You
(From the RKO film "Syncopation" and the Universal film "Stepping High")

(Ruby, Green & Stept)

(Mar 8, 1929)


7. To Be In Love (Espesh'lly With You)

(Fred E. Ahlert)

(Apr 1, 1929)

Fox Trot

8. Old Fashioned Lady

(Silver & Sherman)

(Mar 15, 1929)

Fox Trot

9. Evangeline

(Al Jolson)

(Jan 28, 1929)


10. From Sunrise To Sunset (From Sunset Till Dawn)

(McLaughlin & Miller)

(Mar 25, 1929)

Fox Trot

(Recut by Play-Rite)

(Same tunes as Style 125 roll 3159 and Style 150 roll 13182)


"Best Bits Of Big Hits"

(Estimated issue date: Early 1930)

1. Lady Luck (Play tune in MP3)
(From the Warner Brothers film "Show Of Shows")

(Ray Perkins)

(Aug 28, 1929)

Fox Trot

2. Have A Little Faith In Me
(From the First National film "Spring Is Here")

(Harry Warren)

(Jan 27, 1930)

Fox Trot

3. The Day You Fall In Love
(Shown on Play-Rite recuts as "The Day I Fell In Love")
(From the Warner Brothers film "Tiger Rose")

(Magidson, Washington & Cleary)

(Sep 9, 1929)


4. A Bundle Of Old Love Letters
(Shown on Play-Rite recuts as "A Bundle Of Old Fashioned Love Letters")
(From the 1930 MGM film "Lord Byron Of Broadway")

(Nacio Herb Brown)

(Nov 29, 1929)


5. A Little Kiss Each Morning - A Little Kiss Each Night
(From the RKO film "The Vagabond Lover")

(Harry Woods)

(Nov 27, 1929)

Fox Trot

6. Sunnyside Up
(From the Fox Film Corporation photoplay "Sunnyside Up")

(De Sylva, Brown & Henderson)

(Jul 29, 1929)

Fox Trot

7. Love Me
(From "Deja")

(T. Aivaz)

(Aug 13, 1929)


8. Dream Lover
(From the 1930 Paramount Famous Lasky Corp. film "The Love Parade")

(Victor Schertzinger)

(Oct 2, 1929)


9. Tip-Toe Thru The Tulips
(From the Warner Brothers film "Gold Diggers Of Broadway")

(Joe Burke)

(May 13, 1929)

Fox Trot

10. Beside An Open Fireplace

(Denniker & Osborne)

(Oct 30, 1929)

Fox Trot

(Recut by Play-Rite)


"Skating Hits Supreme"

(Estimated issue date: Early 1930)

1. Happy Days Are Here Again (Play tune in MP3)
(From the 1930 MGM film "Chasing Rainbows" and the 1930 Columbia film "Rain Or Shine")

(Milton Ager)

(Nov 7, 1929)

Fox Trot

2. Wouldn't It Be Wonderful?
(From the Warner Brothers film "Is Everybody Happy?")

(Harry Akst)

(May 27, 1929)

Fox Trot

3. The Shepherd's Serenade (Do You Hear Me Calling You?)
(From the 1930 MGM film "Devil May Care")

(Herbert Stothart)

(Dec 11, 1929)


4. Are You Waiting For Me, Ma Cherie?

(George B. McConnell)

(Nov 25, 1929)


5. I'm Following You
(From the MGM films "Cotton And Silk" and "It's A Great Life")

(Dreyer & MacDonald)

(Nov 12, 1929)

Fox Trot

6. Funny Dear, What Love Can Do

(Bennett, Little & Straight)

(Aug 16, 1929)

Fox Trot

7. Were You Just Pretending?
(From the 1930 First National film "No, No, Nanette")

(M. K. Jerome)

(Nov 15, 1929)


8. Once Upon A Time

(Sigmund Romberg)

(Feb 7, 1930)


9. I Love You, Believe Me, I Love You *
(From the 1929 RKO film "The Vagabond Lover")

(Cowan, Bartholomae & Boutelje)

(May 22, 1929)

Fox Trot

10. What Do I Care?
(From the stage musical "Harry Carroll's Revue")

(Klages, Greer & Carroll)

(Sep 23, 1929)

Fox Trot

* Copyrighted as "The Dream of My Heart" (From "The Theme Of Love")

(Same tunes as lost Style 125 roll 3168 and Style 150 roll 13191)

(Recut by Play-Rite)


"Tunes You'll Remember"

(Estimated issue date: Mid-1930)

1. Stein Song (University of Maine)
(New Rudy Vallee arrangement)
(Original title: "Opie - The University of Maine Stein Song")

(E. A. Fenstad)

(Jun 23, 1910)
(Feb 25, 1930)

6/8 Fox Trot

2. Down The Line (Notre Dame Song)

(Joseph J. Casasanta)

(Nov 20, 1926)

6/8 Fox Trot

3. It Happened In Monterey
(From the Universal film "King of Jazz")

(Mabel Wayne)

(Feb 6, 1930)


4. Lazy Lou'siana Moon

(Walter Donaldson)

(Feb 19, 1930)


5. Lucky Little Devil

(Harry Woods)

(Jul 2, 1929)

Fox Trot

6. Where The Golden Daffodils Grow

(Harry Archer)

(Feb 11, 1930)

Fox Trot

7. If I'm Dreaming (Don't Wake Me Too Soon)
(From the First National film "Sally")

(Joe Burke)

(Oct 16, 1929)


8. Dancing With Tears In My Eyes

(Joe Burke)

(Apr 23, 1930)


9. Hangin' On The Garden Gate (Sayin' "Good-Night")

(Ted Fiorito)

(Dec 27, 1929)

Fox Trot

10. There's Danger In Your Eyes, Cherie
(From the 1930 United Artists film "Puttin' On The Ritz")

(Richman, Meskill & Wendling)

(Dec 5, 1929)

Fox Trot

(Recut by Play-Rite)

(Same tunes as Style 125 roll 3169 and Style 150 roll 13192)


(Estimated issue date: Mid-1930)

1. Telling It To The Daisies

(Harry Warren)

(Mar 18, 1930)

Fox Trot

2. The Talk Of The Town

(Chester Cohn)

(Dec 17, 1929)

Fox Trot

3. California Sunshine

(Mary Earl)

(Apr 5, 1929)


4. I Love You So

(Ted Fiorito)

(Feb 6, 1930)


5. A Year From Today

(Jolson, MacDonald & Dreyer)

(Jul 7, 1929)

Fox Trot

6. Cooking Breakfast For The One I Love
(From the United Artists film "Be Yourself")

(Henry Tobias)

(Jan 20, 1930)

Fox Trot

7. It Must Be Love *
(From "Swing High")

(Abner Silver)

(Apr 12, 1930)


8. I Feel You Near Me
(From the Fox film "Song O' My Heart")

(James Hanley)

(Mar 19, 1930)


9. 'Leven Thirty Saturday Night

(Burtnett, Grantham & Kirkpatrick)

(Feb 28, 1930)

Fox Trot

10. Whip-Poor-Will

(Cal DeVoll)

(Feb 5, 1930)

Fox Trot

* Incorrectly labeled "It Can't Be Love"

NOTE: Original roll missing tune 1. No Wurlitzer listing has been found for this roll, but comparison of its contents with Caliola and other Wurlitzer rolls of the period lead to the conclusion that tune 1 is as shown. It has been newly arranged by Rich Olsen and added to the rolls in the Seabreeze Park, Drew, and Thomas collections (2010). Matthew Caulfield made copies of the tune available for splicing onto other recuts.
(Original roll in the Clark's Trading Post collection)

(Recut by Play-Rite)


(Estimated issue date: Late 1930)

1. I Miss A Little Miss (Who Misses Me In Sunny Tennessee)

(J. Fred Coots)

(Oct 16, 1930)

Fox Trot

2. And Then Your Lips Met Mine

(Malneck L. Signorelli)

(Oct 3, 1930)

Fox Trot

3. I'm Alone Because I Love You

(Joe Young)

(Oct 30, 1930)


4. You're Simply Delish
(From The MGM film "Those Three French Girls")

(Joseph Meyer)

(Sep 25, 1930)

Fox Trot

5. You're Driving Me Crazy - What Did I Do?

(Walter Donaldson)

(Nov 24, 1930)

Fox Trot

6. When Your Hair Has Turned To Silver (I Will Love You Just The Same)

(Peter De Rose)

(Oct 22, 1930)


7. Sweetheart of My Student Days

(Seymour Simons)

(Aug 12, 1930)

Fox Trot

8. The Little Things In Life

(Irving Berlin)

(Nov 14, 1930)

Fox Trot

9. My Missouri Home

(Jack Little)

(Oct 14, 1930)


10. Crying Myself To Sleep

(Pete Wendling)

(Nov 6, 1930)

Fox Trot

(Recut by Play-Rite)


(Estimated issue date: Early 1931)

1. Would You Like To Take A Walk; Sump'n Good'll Come From That
(From the stage review "Sweet And Low")

(Harry Warren)

(Dec 22, 1930)

Fox Trot

2. Just A Gigolo

(Leonello Casucci)

(Dec 12, 1930)

Fox Trot

3. Wabash Moon

(Dreyer, Downey & McKenny)

(Jan 28, 1931)


4. Tie A Little String Around Your Finger

(Seymour Simons)

(Sep 25, 1930)

Fox Trot

5. The King's Horses And The King's Men
(From the stage review "Sweet And Low" and the 1930 musical "Folly To Be Wise")

(Gay & Graham)

(Oct 25, 1930)

Fox Trot

6. Little Sweetheart Of The Prairie

(Solman & Brown)

(Jan 22, 1931)


7. The Peanut Vendor = El Manisero

(Moises Simons)

(Aug 20, 1930)

Fox Trot

8. Walkin' My Baby Back Home

(Fred E. Ahlert)

(Sep 8, 1930)

Fox Trot

9. (Unidentified) (Play tune in MP3) (Please email, if you know the title)


10. When I Take My Sugar To Tea
(From the 1931 Paramount film "Monkey Business")

(Fain, Kahal & Norman)

(Feb 26, 1931)

Fox Trot

NOTE: Tune 3 incorrectly identified on at least some recuts as "Lonesome Lover,"
tune 6 as "Say 'Hello' To The Folks Back Home."

(Original roll from the Seabreeze Park collection; destroyed by fire Mar. 31, 1994. When recut by
Play-Rite, the Seabreeze original was missing perhaps the first eleven seconds of tune 1)

                                          NOTE: One variant recut exists with the first three tunes removed due to damage, and replaced with                                                      the first two tunes of roll 6610, "My Yiddisha Mammy" and "Stumbling" (which had been removed as                                                               superfluous from a recut of roll 6639). This variant is now in the Glen Echo Park collection.


(Estimated issue date: Early 1931)

1. 99 Out Of A Hundred Wanna Be Loved

(Al Sherman)

(Jan 17, 1931)

Fox Trot

2. Hello Beautiful

(Walter Donaldson)

(Jan 24, 1931)

Fox Trot

3. Lonesome Lover

(Jimmie Monaco)

(Oct 31, 1930)


4. Running Between The Rain-Drops

(Carroll Gibbons)

(Feb 9, 1931)

Fox Trot

5. When You Were The Blossom Of Buttercup Lane (And I Was Your Little Boy Blue)

(George W. Meyer)

(Jan 7, 1931)

Fox Trot

6. Reaching For The Moon
(From the 1931 United Artists film "Reaching For The Moon")

(Irving Berlin)

(Dec 22, 1930)


7. One Little Raindrop

(Richman, Meskill & Schwartz)

(Dec 12, 1930)

Fox Trot

8. My Ideal
(From the Paramount Publix Corp. film "Playboy Of Paris")

(Whiting & Chase)

(Oct 18, 1930)

Fox Trot

9. Blue Pacific Moonlight

(Payne & Herbert)

(Apr 26, 1930)


10. When You Fall In Love, Fall In Love With Me

(Tobias, Rose & Russell)

(Nov 24, 1930)

Fox Trot

(Recut by Play-Rite and by Valley Forge)


(Estimated issue date: Mid-1931)

1. Dream A Little Dream Of Me

(Schwandt & Andree)

(Jan 8, 1931)

Fox Trot

2. Whistling In The Dark

(Dana Suesse)

(Feb 27, 1931)

Fox Trot

3. Rocky Mountain Lullaby

(Robert A. King)

(Mar 26, 1931)


4. By My Side

(Link & Gray)

(Feb 4, 1931)

Fox Trot

5. Smile, Darn Ya, Smile

(Max Rich)

(Jan 5, 1931)

Fox Trot

6. Two Hearts Swing (In Three Quarter Time)
(From the German film "Zwei Herzen Im Dreiviertel-Takt" = "Two Hearts In Waltz Time")

(Robert Stolz)

(Dec 12, 1930)


7. Please Don't Talk About Me When I'm Gone

(Sam H. Stept)

(Dec 15, 1930)

Fox Trot

8. Ho Hum
(From the Paramount Publix Corp. film "Monkey Business")

(Dana Suesse)

(Apr 17, 1931)

Fox Trot

9. The Little Old Church In The Valley

(Kahn, Arnold & Van Alstyne)

(Mar 16, 1931)


10. Out Of Nowhere
(From the Paramount film "Dude Ranch")

(John W. Green)

(Mar 7, 1931)

Fox Trot

(Original roll from the Playland-at-the-Beach collection)
(Glenn Thomas recalled this roll being brought to Lincoln Park, Los Angeles, for a playing)
(Recut by Play-Rite)


(Estimated issue date: Early 1932)

1. By The Sycamore Tree

(Pete Wendling)

(Sep 28, 1931)

Fox Trot

2. You're My Everything
(From the stage musical "The Laugh Parade")

(Harry Warren)

(Sep 23, 1931)

Fox Trot

3. Cuban Love Song
(From the MGM film "Cuban Love Song")

(Stothart, McHugh & Fields)

(Oct 24, 1931)


4. Save The Last Dance For Me

(Frank Magine)

(Oct 29, 1931)


5. All Of Me
(From the 1932 Fox film "Careless Lady")

(Simons & Marks)

(Nov 27, 1931)

Fox Trot

6. Auf Wiedersehen, My Dear

(Hoffman, Nelson, Goodheart & Ager)

(Jan 2, 1932)

Fox Trot

7. Carolina's Calling Me

(Bob Charles)

(Nov 11, 1931)


8. I'm Just A Dancing Sweetheart

(Peter De Rose; scored: Harold Potter)

(Jul 15, 1931)


9. I Wouldn't Change You For The World

(Isham Jones)

(Oct 1, 1931)

Fox Trot

10. Ooh That Kiss
(From the stage musical "The Laugh Parade")

(Harry Warren)

(Sep 23, 1931)

Fox Trot

(Recut by Play-Rite and by Valley Forge)


(Estimated issue date: Late 1932)

1. My Lips Want Kisses, My Heart Wants Love

(Oppenheim, Fisher & Baer)

(Mar 18, 1932)

Fox Trot

2. Somebody Loves You
(Theme adopted from "I Want The Twilight and You" by Charles H. Maskell)

(Peter De Rose)

(Feb 23, 1932)

Fox Trot

3. Masquerade

(Jacob Loeb)

(Apr 20, 1932)


4. The Voice In The Old Village Choir

(Harry Woods)

(May 13, 1932)


5. Whistle And Blow Your Blues Away

(Carmen Lombardo)

(Mar 1, 1932)

Fox Trot

6. Keepin' Out Of Mischief Now

(Thomas Waller)

(Feb 10, 1932)

Fox Trot

7. Ma And Pa (Send Their Sweetest Love)

(Carl Hoefle)

(Mar 10, 1932)


8. When The Stars Come Peeping Through

(Jack Miller)

(Nov 25, 1931)


9. Let's Have Another Cup O' Coffee
(From the stage revue "Face The Music")

(Irving Berlin)

(Mar 17, 1932)

Fox Trot

10. Love, You Funny Thing!

(Fred E. Ahlert)

(Feb 10, 1932)

Fox Trot

(Recut by Play-Rite)

(8 tunes in common with lost Style 125 roll 3198)


(Estimated issue date: Early 1933)

1. You're An Old Smoothie
(From the stage revue "Take A Chance")

(De Sylva, Whiting & Brown)

(Sep 26, 1932)

Fox Trot

2. Try A Little Tenderness

(Woods, Campbell & Connelly)

(Nov 4, 1932)

Fox Trot

3. Waltzing In A Dream

(Victor Young)

(Jun 16, 1932)


4. Shuffle Off To Buffalo
(From the 1933 Warner Brothers film "Forty Second Street")

(Harry Warren)

(Nov 30, 1932)

Fox Trot

5. My Darling
(From the stage revue "Earl Carroll Vanities")

(Richard Meyers)

(Sep 26, 1932)

Fox Trot

6. Play, Fiddle, Play

(Deutsch & Altman)

(Sep 21, 1932)

Viennese Waltz

7. Just An Echo In The Valley

(Woods, Campbell & Connelly)

(Nov 2, 1932)

Fox Trot

8. Hey! Young Fella (Close Your Old Umbrella)
(From the 1932 Chicago revue "Clowns In Clover")

(Jimmy McHugh)

(Jan 12, 1933)

Fox Trot

9. A Little Street Where Old Friends Meet

(Harry Woods)

(Oct 6, 1932)


10. Forty Second Street
(From the 1933 Warner Brothers film play "Forty Second Street")

(Harry Warren)

(Nov 30, 1932)

Fox Trot

(Original roll from the Seabreeze Park collection; destroyed by fire Mar. 31, 1994)
(Recut by Play-Rite and by Valley Forge)


(Estimated issue date: Mid-1933)

1. I'm Thru With Saying I'm Thru

(Kalmar, Ruby & Kahn)

(Mar 24, 1933)

Fox Trot

2. Have You Ever Been Lonely (Have You Ever Been Blue)?

(Peter De Rose)

(Jan 20, 1933)

Fox Trot

3. I Can't Remember

(Irving Berlin)

(Mar 25, 1933)


4. Hold Me

(Little, Oppenheim & Schuster)

(Jan 18, 1933)

Fox Trot

5. Lying In The Hay


(Jan 7, 1933)

Fox Trot

6. Let's All Sing Like The Birdies Sing

(Tolchard Evans)

(Sep 20, 1932)


7. I've Got To Pass Your House To Get To My House
(From "Paradise Revue")

(Lew Brown)

(Jun 23, 1933)

Fox Trot

8. Honey, Don't You Love Me Anymore?

(Meadows & Shand)

(May 18, 1933)

Fox Trot

9. Baby Boy

(Ozzie Nelson)

(Mar 15, 1933)


10. From Me To You

(King, Andre & Conney)

(Mar 6, 1933)

Fox Trot

(Recut by Play-Rite)

(The first 6 tunes are the same tunes as lost Style 125 roll 3204 and Style 150 roll 13228 (both six-tune rolls))

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