This page contains some interesting views of the Wurlitzer factory, stock photographs of its larger band organs, and scenes from the later TRT operation.

Wurlitzer tower & esplanade, North Tonawanda, N.Y.

Entrance to the Wurlitzer factory

Factory grounds, view from tower

Wurlitzer factory in 1916

Wurlitzer factory ca. 1940

Farny R. Wurlitzer, 1883-1972

Wurlitzer factory scene

Wurlitzer machine shop

March 1919 view of music roll production

Late Wurlitzer factory scene

Obituary of J. William Tussing,
Wurlitzer's chief band organ arranger, early 1920's to 1945
(From Tonawanda News, July 22, 1955)

Letter referring customer to Allan Herschell Co.

Informing customer of T.R.T.'s takeover of band organ business

T.R.T. shop at 183 Miller Street, North Tonawanda

Interior view of T.R.T. shop

Another view of T.R.T. shop

Stock of band organ tune masters, with bell mechanism on top

Ralph Tussing arranging a T.R.T. style 150 tune

Obituary for Ralph Tussing
(Son Gordon P. Tussing erroneously called Ralph P. Tussing)

Early Wurlitzer 165 band organ façade

Later 165 façade, with C.W. Parker name

Wurlitzer 166 band organ façade

Wurlitzer 180 band organ

Play-Rite obtains permission to copy Wurlitzer

Q. David Bowers and Clæs Friberg in August 1972 visit to factory